Due to lack of effective trust management mechanism, heaps of deceptions exist in
peer-to-peer (P2P) e-commerce (EC) environments, which seriously damage authenticity
and availability of the systems. There are various challenges that are faced in the open
autonomous environments. These existing challenges are mostly owing to the scarcity of
correct authentication in P2P networks. Generally speaking, structured P2P networks are
assumed to be accessible by allowing heterogeneous nodes or clients to interact and share
one another. The identity (ID) authentication problem for this type of network has now
become important. The paper presents a specific authentication key exchange scheme for
P2P networks. Theoretic analysis shows that, a robust evaluation scheme based on elliptic
curve cryptography (ECC) is proposed for P2P e-commerce networks with better secure
identifying-and-authenticating features. / 隨著點對點式(P2P)的技術崛起,使用者已運用這種互聯網的架構快速與便利的從事各種電子商務(EC)上的應用。雖然這種網路架構具有自我組織的能力和彈性,不過仍面臨來自開放通訊環境的威脅及挑戰,例如動態的拓撲結構、無線的連結、自主漫遊的環境,均暴露其危險與弱點。如何辨識身份及使用端互相確認,實為重要的安全議題。本文提出了一種運用橢圓曲線密碼學的計算原理,並植基於身分加密的認證機制,適用於這類P2P 無線及有線電腦通訊網路的環境,亦提供了增進安全強度、快速且低耗量效果的優點,藉由本文認證機制加值於P2P 的架構,可以強固EC 環境的安全性顧慮。
電子商務學報, 第十四卷, 第四期, 2012 年12 月, p.597~618 Journal of e-Business