摘要: | 教育部在2006年12月22日頒佈「教育部補助大專校院學生參與國際志工服務要點」,延續教育部極力推動大專校院國際化的多元學習環境方面的努力及決心,根據該要點,推動學生參與國際志工的目的為「……培養學生對國際社會人文關懷之使命感、責任感,拓展國際視野履行世界公民之義務,磨練學生所學專業知識與技術能力,並藉以增進台灣與其他國家人民間相互瞭解及交流…」。其第七點「審查原則」第三則所示「計畫有延續性、發展性、推廣性及影響力,並能與國際組織連結,有助提昇台灣大專校院學生國際視野及能見度」。作者自2007年開始,以國際志工的身份前往馬拉威參與短期服務工作,開啟在非洲的事工與政府計畫案的合作型態,並在2009年開拓新的服務據點-布吉納法索,在教育部、青輔會及外交部在國際志工及交流方面的經費協助及實施的重點,與國際行銷領域所欲培養的專業經理人在國際視野方面的內涵,是相似的;在建構本計畫的執行精神時,亦與上述計畫所揭示的精神做最佳的連結。
本文所闡述的背景事件為作者自行籌組工作隊前往位於西部非洲(Africa)世界最貧窮國家-布吉納法索,從事人道援助及執行數個以脫離貧窮為目標的短期志工政府計畫案。以個人的力量推動並結合政府、學界及社會資源,應用國際行銷學的國際化歷程、市場區隔、目標市場及定位、創新(innovations)、策略聯盟等理論或模型在目標國家的選擇、當地合作夥伴的維繫及服務內容的創新等; 同時,應用經濟學的理論模型在布吉納法索試行微型貸款,以協助當地人脫離貧窮;同時,本計畫的執行包括帶領技職院校學生在布吉納法索建立資訊教育中心、傳授電腦知識以縮短數位落差(digital divide)、在偏遠村落和育幼院進行援贈太陽能燈、民生物資等對外援助之國際實踐過程及成果;2012年的計畫將結合農業與裁縫師計畫繼續實施微型貸款(Microcredit)。藉此前進到非洲進行國際志工任務,以技術學院的有限資源進行國民外交、提升技術學院學生對自我價值的認知、協助非洲人民脫離貧窮等目標。
本研究從計畫內容的設計規劃、政府經費的申請、學生甄選和外語能力的訓練、服務計畫的具體化、執行過程與成效對本計畫的利益相關人的影響,對技職院校利用非洲為提升國際化程度的具體作法及建議,皆是闡述的重點。/The Ministry of Education (Taiwan, R.O.C) issued “Subsidy Terms for University students for Participation in International Volunteer Work” dated December 12, 2006. This policy outlined the government's eagerness and efforts in promoting the depth of internationalization in universities. According to the subsidy terms, the purpose is to “……enrich student’s sense of commitment and responsibility toward humanity and the global community and, expand their global horizons to carry out the duty of being global citizens, put into practice their professional knowledge and capabilities, and stimulate mutual understanding and promote cultural exchange experiences between Taiwanese and people from other countries.” Point 3 of term 7 also mentions “the proposed plan should be continuous, feasible, generable, influential, and related to international organizations to raise student's global views and vision.”
Since 2007, the author traveled to the Republic of Malawi as a short-term volunteer worker. This initial experience started the Africa entrance mode by integrating Africa missions with government resources. The author extended the Malawi mission to another African country, Burkina Faso, in 2009. The other subsidy terms for international volunteer work issued by the National Youth Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is similar to the requirements for a qualified global manager in a global marketing discipline. The plan created by the author is in the same spirit as the above subsidy policies from the Taiwan government.
The plan’s target was initiated and has been executed by the author since 2009. The author organized the Burkina Faso mission team to facilitate humanity aid and initiate some poverty reduction programs under the government’s limited support in the impoverished country of Burkina Faso. This individual plan integrates resources from the government, academia and society in general. Also, the author applies knowledge of the international marketing and economic fields to select the target country maintain the partnership and create innovative service packages. The applied marketing skills are as below: internationalization process, market segmentation and positioning, innovation, strategic alliance, etc. Also, the plan applies an economic model to provide the Microcredit program to Burkina Faso to conduct an in-depth study on local economic behavior and alleviate poverty. In addition, the author also recruits students from technology institutes and four other universities to establish an information education center to reduce the digital divide, donate solar lights and daily necessities to enhance the quality of life in remote villages.
The above demonstrates the outcomes and execution process of international aid from a developed nation to one of the world’s poorest countries. For the Africa plan in 2012, the author is planning to reformulate the poverty reduction efforts by integrating an agriculture consultant service and the Microcredit program. By virtue of the volunteer work mission in Africa, a technology institute can thereby enhance students’ global perception and self-confidence and help stem African poverty and suffering.
This research covers the following topics: study design, government resource acquisition, student recruitment and local language training, service plan formulation and impacts from the execution process and performance to stakeholders. Finally, the plan proposes how technology institutes can make the most use of the Africa market/region to enhance their depth of internationalization. |