本文研究目的在檢驗「追隨顧客」假說,探討多國籍銀行進行海外擴張時,是否追隨顧客至顧客所在地。有別於以往的文獻,本文同時考慮財務上的債權擴張,以及實體分支機構的擴張;而顧客部分除了企業顧客考量外,亦考量自然人顧客,即勞工顧客。本文實證結果顯示,企業顧客愈多,母國銀行對地主國的債權擴張愈大;勞工顧客或企業顧客愈多,銀行設立的分支機構數愈多,皆符合追隨顧客理論的預期。本文的實證凸顯衡量指標的重要性,以及不同顧客對銀行擴張策略的影響。 / The aim of this paper is testing the “follow the customers” hypothesis using a worldwide panel data. Differing from previous studies, we investigate two kinds of customers: corporate customers and non-corporate customers. Furthermore, we consider two types of foreign expansion, the first one is foreign claim and the second one is physical expansion by setting up the new branches by multinational banks. Empirical results show that when foreign expansion measures by foreign claims, the hypothesis holds for corporate customers only. However, while measures by branches, the hypothesis holds for corporate and non-corporate customers. Our study highlights the importance of measures of foreign expansion and their connection with customers which really matter.